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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What to write......

Once again, I've come to a spot where I feel like I have nothing to write about. And this is only because I am doing so well. I shouldn't assume that you all only want to read about the "good stuff". You know, the dirty details about when I"m going psycho. :) Or maybe I'm wrong. Guess we'll see. I can tell how many people read my posts, you know.... My husband suggested that I do write about how well I'm doing. So I got to thinking. I'm actually doing better than I have EVER been. On medication and all. That is NOT a complete sentence but who cares. I don't have to worry about what I'm going to wake up like tomorrow morning. I've really been level, and not blah level but happy level. I love love love it. When I was first diagnosed with Bipolar and was trying out the medications, I was blah level. And I thought, "Well, if this is as good as it gets, forget this!" And off on my own I went. Which luckily didn't effect my life too dramatically at first, but boy did it explode in my face later on. So when it was time to go back on the meds, I was reluctant. But wow! Not that the medication is like my happiness. Because its not. It is my glue. It keeps my cute little brain from going haywire and keeps my cute little body from leaving the country. My happiness comes from my more level-headed self being able to FOCUS again on what I know brings me joy. GOD.  God is my joy, and the more I just pour myself and my disorder into Him the healthier and happier I get. So. I am so so grateful that Dr. Awesome and I have found the right drug cocktail to give me my life back, and an even better life at that. I'm even more grateful that I have a Savior who gives me grace every single day. Which is why you catch me smiling so much :)

1 comment:

  1. Karynda,
    It's so great that you're doing so well! Yes, the right cocktail is definitely the answer for sure. And, I think Brandon's right, it's good to continue writing throughout, that's what helps Ben the most! And I love it that you are both so open to share your life, and let people in. People just don't seem to know much about bi-polar, so they have a pretty skewed view point of anyone who has it. So to walk them through life with you can be really good. Just wanted to tell you Ben and I are praying for you guys, and would love to get together sometime! Having someone who understands, and walks through the same kind of struggles can be really encouraging! Talk to you soon!
