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Friday, March 25, 2011

A lovely bout of Spring blues

Spring is finally here, and with it I was imagining the winter "blues" to be gone and sheer happiness to be blooming in my heart. So I am shocked to even be admitting to you that I am feeling a depression bout coming on. It seems to have appeared out of nowhere really but the symptoms are all there, and so the battle begins. Over the last few days I've required far more sleep, I've been way more forgetful, way too tearful and far more agitated with my husband and children than necessary. And the guilt, oh the guilt! I don't even know what I am guilty of? I just feel bad and guilty! Which is a terrible condition to be in as a Christian because that is like Satan's playground. I've just laid fresh mulch and set up a swirly slide in my brain for Satan! Thankfully, for the last few months, I've had far more intimacy with Christ than I've ever had in my life. And whether this is THE STORM he has been preparing me for or not, I feel like I am equipped. And during my "peace time" when I was doing so well I did not take one thing for granted. I praised God for every little thing good and bad, I worshiped Him, I soaked up His word, I followed after Him as well as I knew how. And now is no different, its just a little more challenging when you have to battle so many deceiving thoughts. SO MANY deceiving thoughts. According to all of my Bipolar books I'm supposed to journal, go to the gym, get enough sleep, stay out of seclusion, blah blah blah. I'm doing that, but the medical books always fail to mention the greatest aid to depression. Jesus. Say his name, sing his songs, say his words, follow his ways. I have yet to call my Doctor and I probably won't do it for a time. I've called on my Healer, and He is blessing me. So remember when I said that being bipolar has its advantages, and that I hear songs racing through my head all the time? I even know for a fact that the Holy Spirit speaks to me through these songs, if I pay attention to them. And this morning, I did. I had just gotten out of the shower and just laid on the floor in my towel, completely unmotivated to get dressed. I just sat there, picking at the carpet listening to my "song" in my head. After I while I realized what it was:
"You are stronger, You are stronger,
Sin is broken you have saved me
It is written   Christ is risen
Jesus you are Lord of all"

And I thought, I AM stronger than THIS. And HE is stronger than THIS. Jesus, the power in that name alone, gives me great hope beyond what any anti-depressant can.

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